I ate my first live baby octopus today!

Imagine this if you will: 15 teachers simultneously jamming live squirming octopi into their mouths. Me, doing as I'm told, and slowly, first the head, then leg by leg, eating the whole octopus. I kindly declined a second helping.
What an experience! Another experience where you find yourself thinking; "Wholly crap, I'm in Korea". If only I had 2 double A batteries!
Labels: Mokpo, Octopus, South Korea
You have to do it again! You are a brave soul my friend. How did it taste? How wriggly was it going down your throat and into your belly?
It was super chewy! And the legs keep on squirming the whole time... even after 10 minutes of trying to force it down, the legs were still suckering.
The suction cups actually hurt when they "got" you.
I made sure to chew, even though some of the teachers just fired it back, squirm and all.
When Steve Oprendek comes back to Mokpo, we are going to do it again... and on film!
That's my man!! So proud. I've got to be there the second time around....to provide moral support!
You will have to do it again - for the camera.
And for me, for the ultimate b-day present when I come to Mokpo!
Wait till PETO hears about this...
(people for the ethical treatment of octopi)
I miss Korea, but sometimes I don't miss it THAT much. Well done Brent, you crazy freak!
What's going on? What crazy adventures are you two having?
Right now in Busan! This vacation stuff is hard work! Post will come early next week!
Take care of yourself Jeffer!
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