Sunday, October 15, 2006

Konglish and Korean "Story"

Delicious!!!Don't mind if I do!On Monday, sitting in my grade 5 class, was this girl, who was wearing a T-shirt that said "I'm not mean, you're just a sissy!". Do you think she knows what it means? Of course not. But this is one of the beauties of Korea's love for anything english. The shirts go from 13 year old girls wearing shirts saying "I wish my boyfriend was as dirty as this dirtbike" (with dirtbike picture on it), to shirts that consist of a bunch of mispelled words jammed together forming no coherance at all ("Saw my back" was the most recent shirt I sent home to my sister). All the time, we foreigners are snatching them up and sending them home as gifts!

Yummy Story!Korea also boasts the amazing art of "Story". This can be as simple as calling your store "Beauty Story" or "Book Story" or calling a video game "Maple Story", but it all seems to be an attempt to give personality, character, emotional appeal and reputation to whatever it is they are peddling. This "Story" theme then goes on coffee cups, billboards and placemats to convey this "pseudo reputation" to the users, who, for the most part, don't speak English.

For us who do, it's awesome!

How heartwormingly incoherant!



Blogger Goulash said...

Love this post... and it's sooo true.

There's a whole website dedicated to this in Japan. It's called Jengrish - pronounced jin grish- instead of Konglish obviously, but it's the same deal. Check it out...

I think we should start our own site of Konglish. Could be fun.

7:59 a.m.  
Blogger Jeff C. said...

I always liked the picture you have of the Happy Marine Product Town.

12:34 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

You blog is best story. Look! Happy time. Miss you big muchee.

Love you.


Paginia, Nicora, Rana

8:51 a.m.  
Blogger Jen @ Light Enough to Travel said...

Don't forget the "Good Luck" shirt and those pictures of Donald Duck on Amphetamines... Classic.

I have pics of those... let me know if you want them!

11:42 a.m.  
Blogger Preiya said...

Hilarious the tshirt story...Saw My Back....classic!

love ya,

11:43 p.m.  

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