Wednesday, May 31, 2006


So, it's Election day, and I'm called off for an emergency pickup basketball game. Steph has plans to go to a movie in the afternoon, so when I come back, I'm not expecting anyone to be home.
To my huge surprise, Steph has left a note on the table that says "Brent, Surprise! Look in the laundry room!"

Lo and behold, I open the door, expecting to see the drain backed up, or some dead pile of garbage... and I see this:

I'm the cutest!
After playing with the little monster for about an hour, and realizing we now have a new dog, two of our friends showed up; Leah and Warren. Supposedly, it was their "New" baby that they are going to share. Steph was just house-sitting! The new parents have given us an open invitation to "borrow" the cute little girl "Star" whenever we need a puppy fix. I love puppies, but in Korea, she might tie us down from our adventurous tendancies!

What a relief!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's so cute I could just eat her up (no pun intended, of course..)!
Apparently someone abandoned her by tying her up to the jungle gym at leah's school. I can't imagine why. She's adorable!

11:00 a.m.  
Blogger Ms Parker said...

What a sweetie! Two of my friends in Shidae also inherited abandoned dogs. It seems that people just get rid of them here when they don't want them anymore.

What breed? I think Leah will need a purse to carry her around in.

1:08 p.m.  
Blogger Yoka said...

Oh what a cutie face.... sweet and cuddly.. just a handfull... So tiny.
Made me think of Chester, the guinea pig.
XOXO to Star.....lucky dog

9:26 a.m.  
Blogger Jeff C. said...

Maybe Star could be Miss Marbles' S. Korean cousin? Teach her the gentle art of Asian seduction rather than giving it up to all the tom-cats who come prowling by.

9:11 a.m.  

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