Tuesday, December 06, 2005

First Blog -

Ok, so I'm watching the current Canadian election preamble, and when you sit down and consider all the different parties, beside their views on seceding from Canada, I like the Parti Quebecois.
I think that if Giles Duceppe actually thought on a larger scale, and decided to take his party national, he could stand a chance of becoming the official opposition this year, and who knows... In one or two more terms.

Maybe I'm just disenchanted with the current situation, or am tired of hearing the normal rhetoric about letting Quebec secede, or it's just that I really don't know what I'm doing with this space... Meh.

Doesn't really matter, because I'm in southern Ontario, and I have to choose between the Liberals (who need to be punished), the Conservatives (who's morals I don't agree with) or the NDP (Who've done a lot of good of late, but I still hate Layton for destroying the Toronto 2008 Olympic bid).
