How old are you?

Each Korean (at least according to the ones we talked to) increments their age every year, on New Year's day. So, if you were born in December, you would be one year old in less than one month. But if your birthday was in January, you would need 11 months before you reached "1 year old". When it comes down to it, Koreans have birthdays like the rest of us (duh) but they all go up in age at the exact same time - January 1st!
This took a lot longer to figure out than you might think. Mystery solved!
In other news, our weekend was pretty quiet as we prepare for our upcoming weekend in Seoul - population 21 million. Saturday night we went to watch some of our buddies play at the P-club. They sound a little better live...
Hey Brent... Not to be a brat... but I'm just not so sure if you figured it out right...I've heard this stupid way of aging over so many times...So as soon as you are are 1 (because you spent almost a year in your it's like you are 1 anyway)... then depending on what month you were born in will determine if you age 1 more year older right away or not. If you are born in December you turn 2 at the Lunar new year (in Jan/Feb)...but if you are born near the lunar new don't need to age again till the next year... confusing..? yes... because that's how Korean's like to do things here... So when they ask me what is my Korean age... it's 27... but luckily only one year difference... :)
April :)
April, you are totally right! I just talked to my co-teacher, and she clarified it for me. When you are born, you are already 1... so if you were born December 31st, you will be 1 year old for only 1 day. Sounds like a lot of presents to me!!!
Oh my god. I am a 33-year old Korean!
And, you have to eat some kind of traditional soup thingy on Lunar New Year and on your birthday...
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How did Steph get so much stuff?
p.s. Steph: get thee to a Face Shop - they are having a sale.
Virginia.. did you say the word 'sale'?! That's all the info I need. I'm all over it! Haha
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