Lots of Bangs and 'Splosions!

We saw Poseidon on Sunday, with the help of Handsome Steve from Muan. Pretty entertaining movie, but definitely one in which you should leave your brain under your seat. At the end of it, you really weren't too concerned about the safety of the main characters... Some live, some die. In the end, the real winner was .... the 'Splosions!!!
The rest of the weekend saw us find a phenominal Sushi place (which we went to twice!), bought some Learning English books, hang out with the Mokpo gang all day Saturday, with a big lakeside potluck and finished Sunday with a good amount of shopping. Hard to believe its the end of the weekend, but in classic Korean form, for some reason we have Tuesday off as well.
I love these people...
Hey - just got out of a teacher Workshop where I asked them to explain all the Korean holidays to me.
In addition to Children's day, Parents' day, Teachers' day, Erection day, Memorial day, we can also look forward to Open Sky day, Make laws day, Independence day, another sort of Independence day, Labor day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.... This is much better than some sort of craptastic rainy Victoria day!
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