Uncle Steve's Story Time - Episode 1

Steve has given us the opportunity to post some of his Korean tales on the site. We hope he will continue to feed us many of his Tales, because they are so DAMN FUNNY.
Here is his first:
Hey guys,Remember in training when we were told to expect the unexpected with some aspects of living in Korea? I have a story.... Monday afternoon was a typical day, I was coming home from my country school and heading toward my building. As I approached the front foyer, I heard a female voice shouting in an angry tone. Curious, I looked across the parking lot and saw and older woman (let's call her Agima) getting in the face of a younger woman who was holding a small child. The agima started pushing the lady and tried to take the child from her. The younger woman gave the child to her friend who was sitting nearby. Apparently, this only enraged the Agima further. She proceeded to give the woman a couple shots to the face and some solid shoves.
Sensing injustice, I headed over for a closer look (actually, I was hoping to see a Korean catfight). Another bystander, grabbed my arm and suggested that I help. The Agima saw us heading over and approached us. I can't be sure what she yelled at us, but she yelled it about 100 times before pulling her pants off and exposing, quite simply, the largest pair of leopard print underwear I've ever seen. If this was an intimidation tactic, it certainly worked.
I retreated a step or two. Agima then decided my retreat wasn't fast enough or that it was too hot. She took her top off. Without getting too graphic, I will say that I would rather not have seen this particular Agima in her underwear. She made it quite clear that my presence in the busy parking lot was not required nor appreciated. I was happy to comply with her wishes.
Satisfied that I was not going to interfere any further, she ran back to the source of her anger and started to throw some more shots. Oh yeah, by this point, the other woman was naked from the waist up. The child was gone, I was confused.
Hope everyone else is having an interesting time.
Well, I heard that Shidae (the apartment complex where Steve and I both have our apartments) is supposed to be "the hood". I guess this just proves it.
This story has been the highlight of our week... and weekend... Let's just say it's been passed on around "the hood" and spread about at the local foreigner bar like wild fire... Gotta love Suncheon... or should I just say...gotta love Korea... lol
April :)
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