Happy Canada day, eh!

Sometimes it does take a trip around the world to bring out a person's patriotism. This was never so evident this weekend when Canadian teachers (and Aussies and Brits) from all over Southern Korea converged on Suncheon to Celebrate July 1st and Canada Day.
Our solid core group from the Gwangju orientation including Virginia, Steve, Max, Stuart, Bryce, Lana, Steph and I were all present with a number of new friends including April and Jen to drink sing and party in honour of our beloved country.

We all truly miss the Great White North

Virginia and Jen have two great posts to commemorate the night too. They are the coolest!

Happy Canada Day to you and all your friends.
It was really great to see you guys this weekend.
Countdown to Singapore commences..... nnnnnn....now.
Great night out! Nice to have met you two! Hopefully I'll see you in Mokpo before I go back home...
It was great seeing you two again :) Thanks for hanging in there at the party as long as your tired selves could... (I got that great sleepy picture of you Steph...) I'll send my pics soon... Promise...
It was a great Canada Day...(minus the loooooong game we all had to watch...I'm not bitter I swear).
Talk to you guys later.
Take care,
April :)
Ahhh.. sleepy picture is evidence!! Damnit! At least I wasn't drooling.... I wasn't drooling was I??
Happy Canada Day!
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