Friday, November 24, 2006

Slandery is the highest form of Compliment

Weird Al just came out with another song that makes little jabs at Canada. I personally love it. Take that and the infamous song "Blame Canada" from South Park, and you have some good mockery.

In my opinion, if you can't take some good jokes about your country, you need to get thicker skin. Canada is a phenominal place to live, but there will always be lots to improve on. And if our friends to the south don't know that you shouldn't bring your winter jacket when you come to Toronto in July, it really shouldn't concern us.

PS - My little two cents about Quebec. I think Quebec is a distinct society. If calling them a "Nation within Canada" makes them feel valued, then that is fine with me. I think that Quebec gives Canada more of that Multicultural + European flavour that makes us what we are. I hope they stick around. One worry though, is that soon, every "distinct society" within Canada, will step up and now want their own "Nation". Let's hope this doesn't get out of control.

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Blogger Ms Parker said...

Anyone who has ever been to the more secluded parts of Quebec (like La Pocatiere, where I lived for 6 years) can tell you that it *is* a Distinct Nation (or whatever).

If this will keep Canada together, it's all good to me.

11:02 p.m.  
Blogger Jeff C. said...

For the Quebec argument: They are currently defining a Quebecois as a person of french heritage living in Quebec. Therefore, all french speaking people in Northern Ontario, the maritimes or anywhere else is not considered part of the "Quebecois Nation". This will only fuel the separatists.

70% of Canadians polled wanted a no vote in the House of Commons, but it was a 255-16 yes vote. I love the way our democracy works when our politicians vote for personal interest rather than what their constituency wants.

For the songs: the Weird Al song is making fun of how uneducated a large number of Americans are about Canada. He called the song a 'love song to Canada." I think it's hilarious.

ps. We're coming to Vietnam! Woooo!

12:25 p.m.  
Blogger Jeff C. said...

Oh, and another thing...Harper didn't even consult his Minister of National Unity or any other "expert".

Because of that move, the Minister of National Unity (or whatever it was called) Michael Chong, resigned because he feared that if he spoke out against this, he'd be expelled like Garth Turner.

6:48 a.m.  

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