Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's the little things...

Another "blogworthy?" post about something I've been just shrugging off lately.
Everyday, I walk home from school, past the fields, across the "New 4 lane road to nowhere", and I pass a line of cars idling on the side of the road.

Line up on the right please...Beside the first car in line is a guy who is, in plain view, emptying a 10 gallon clear bladder of what I assume is gasoline, into the gas tank of the first car. Once filled, the next car pulls up and the "attendant" goes to the trunk of his car (parked around on the curb) and pulls out the next of his 15 bladders of gas, and starts filling up the next car! In plain view.

What's going on? Where is this guy syphoning the gas from? How is this happening every day? I have no clue, and I would take a picture, but I don't think that would be "Good for health".

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Blogger Ms Parker said...

They are siphoning all that gas out of MY scooter!

I'm sure of it.

1:38 p.m.  
Blogger Jen @ Light Enough to Travel said...

Oh goodness. No not good for health at all.

8:28 a.m.  
Blogger Goulash said...

Come on now folks, lets not all jump to conclusions.

I'm sure he's just going to his local fuel supplier, buying 1000 gallons of fuel at a discount price and selling it on to his mates a the lower rate. That must be it right? Yeah?? Maybe?!?

8:59 a.m.  
Blogger Brent said...

The cops were sitting beside him one day when I came home.

At first I thought he was busted... But when he was there the next day, I realized that the police were just filling up!

3:35 p.m.  

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